100% Free
Donation Forms
Zero transaction fees. Zero platform fees.
You keep 100% of your donations.
Start Raising More Money Today!
You're Going to Love Glass Register Free Donation Forms.
Zero Fees
There are zero fees, so you keep 100% of your donations!
Easy to Use
It's so easy, you can create your donation form in minutes.
100% Supported
We'll support you every step of the way at zero cost to you.
Sleek, Mobile-Friendly Donation Forms
Minus The High Platform & Processing Fees
Customize text, colors, images, donation amounts, and more for your nonprofit.
Is Glass Register Really Free?
Yes, 100% free.
We launched Glass Register with a groundbreaking feature: zero transaction fees & zero platform fees. We even cover credit card fees, so you keep 100% of the donations you raise online.
Instead of nonprofits paying transaction fees, donors have the option to contribute voluntarily to help us continue providing the platform for free.
It’s simple, really. We want to help maximize the impact nonprofits like you are having in your communities. By eliminating fees, we ensure that every dollar raised goes directly toward advancing your mission.
Whether you’re providing essential services, advocating for the vulnerable, or supporting the underprivileged, Glass Register ensures that your nonprofit keeps every dollar raised online.
We understand that resources are precious in the nonprofit sector; Glass Register is our way of giving back to nonprofits like you, so you can Do More Good.
Partner With a Company You Can Trust
Societ has been serving nonprofits exclusively for over 30 years!
Get Glass Register Now!
Fill out the form to start keeping 100% of your donations 🎉
Glass Register is currently only offered to registered charities in the United States & Canada.