
One of the hardest things is to get the recipient to open your direct mail package; therefore the outer envelope is of prime importance. Its function is more than just holding the contents securely;
Nonprofit Marketing
Being able to show the direct impact donations have is important to attract new donors, and keep your old ones. Here are five creative ways to do just that: 1. Highlight Success Stories
Nonprofit Marketing
1. Having A Multi-Step Process If you require donors to go through a multi-step process, require them to create a username and password, or fill out lengthy forms before they actually get to
The days are over when providing your supporters with some dull stats will suffice as your annual report. Now, the pressure is on to make annual reports interesting, engaging, and visually stimulating. One
Nonprofit Marketing
What could be better than a grant? It’s essentially free money, often available in large amounts, from a single payer who expects little in return outside of an evaluation report. Even better, grants
Nonprofit Management and HR
Now now, before you get all up in arms, we’re not saying that non-profits should never act like a business. We did see Dan Pallotta’s Ted Talk – The way we think about
Nonprofit Management and HR

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